Fall Calls for Change

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Guess what? I’s almost the end of the year . . . and that means its time to think about what you really want for your life and well-being.

This is the time of year when you start to re-think what’s happened up until this point and what you can do to live your best life. It’s not as hard as you think. Actually, we’ve put together 6 ways you can take charge of incorporating change into your life and stay on track.


Want to reduce your stress levels, keep anxiety at bay, sleep better, feel more productive, and feel better all over? Start meditating for 3-5 minutes each day.

No Sugar

It’s been compared to crack and can be as addicting as cocaine. It’s not an illegal drug, it’s white, processed cane sugar. However, even though it’s in the food category, it can still cause havoc in your life. But, you can take back control. Try going for 7 days without adding sugar to anything. And in addition, start reading labels so you can recognize the sneaky ways manufacturers hide sugar in the ingredients.

Social Media Detox

Social media can be a source of joy and satisfaction, but it can also be a source for stress and anxiety. With all that’s going on today; politics, temper tantrums, online fights, disrespect, and rants, social media content can cause you more angst than you realize. It’s time for a break, for a few days anyway. Logout of all your apps. And don’t even think about opening them on your desktop or laptop. You may even realize that you CAN do without some of them.


Taking a walk is one of the best ways to get oxygenated blood circulating through your body. Also, a brisk walk in the morning starts your day on the right foot—so to speak.

Be Kind

It seems that not a day goes by where you don’t see one person being unkind or downright mean to another. Do something different, start a trend of kindness. It really doesn’t take that much extra effort to be kind to someone else, plus it makes you feel good all over.

Focus on What You Want

If you don’t like the way your life is going, you have the power to change it. Start by focusing on what you do want out of life and start to move in that direction. Your mind goes where your focus is, so if you want better health, focus on that. Believe it or not, once you start to focus, people and events will start to come your way to help you achieve your goals.

By following these simplistic strategies, you can live better right now. You can be in control and live the life you want. But if you’re still struggling to see what that looks like or even to put strategies in place, schedule your free session with Dr. Susan Stukes. It’s FREE and you’ll walk away with a strategy and a plan to move forward with your healthy lifestyle changes.


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