Fall in Love with Self-Care

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It’s that time of year when cooler winds are blowing. Your mind turns to cozy nights in front of the fire with hot chocolate in hand. You turn your attention to others because it’s also the start of the season of giving/ But before you go down the wonderful road of giving to others, here are some ways to redirect your attention and fall in love with self-care.

Below are 25 ways you can show yourself some love in little and big ways.

1. Take care of yourself by taking care of your gut

Good gut health provides better digestion, a healthier immune system, and a slimmer waist. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables weekly along with healthier carb choices like whole grains and legumes.

2. Immerse Yourself in the Little Things

Pay complete attention to something that you usually do without thinking about it: brushing your teeth, driving, eating, or getting out the door in the morning.

3. Get positive feedback

Ask three good friends to tell you what they love about you.

4. Have a good laugh

Laughter decreases stress and improves your immune system. Go ahead and read those jokes your friend keeps sending you in email or look up funny stories on Google.

5. Move Every Day

Your body was meant to move, so do something everyday that gets you to move.

6. Ask for help

Whether it’s a big thing or just a small part of your life—reach out.

7. Create your spa space

Set up your spa sanctuary in your bathroom. Arrange candles so you can truly relax while taking that bath or shower, then lounge around in your bath robe.

8. Bust a Move to the Beat

Search the Internet for your favorite song you haven’t heard in a long time and dance to it.

9. Fix that thing that’s been bothering you

Today is the day! Fix that lost button, stuck drawer or missing light bulb.

10. Give your body ten minutes of mindful attention

Check in mentally and physically with each part of your body, part by part.

11. Take a self-care trip

No matter if its to see that new History Museum, or pay a visit to the coffee shop everyone is raving about, do it!

12. Drink an extra glass of water

Water is essential to the proper functioning of your body and your mind, drink up.

13. Get fifteen minutes of sun

Use sunscreen where and when appropriate, but get outside and feel the sun on your skin.

14. Go cloud-watching

Lie on your back, relax, and watch the sky just like you used to do as a kid.

15. Goof off

Set aside five minutes of “play” (non-directed activity) several times throughout your day and don’t feel guilty about it.

16. Perform an emotions self-check

Choose a quiet place to sit and reflect. Name, without judgment, what you’re feeling.

17. Narrow your food choices

Choose two healthy breakfasts, lunches, and dinners and rotate during the week.

18. Unplug for an hour

Switch to airplane mode or turn off your devices and free yourself from the constant pings of social media and email.

19. No comfort zone today

You know where your comfort zone begins and ends, today, step outside of it and do the thing that scares you the most.

20. Do a mini-declutter

Go into your closet and choose three things from your wardrobe that you don’t love or regularly wear. Give them to a shelter.

21. Say NO

Don’t hesitate or think about it, just say it, and then say yes to self-care.

22. Change the way you make decisions

Switch it up, do you usually decide something with your heart? Use your head this time. Or if you go with your head, make the decision with your heart.

23. Get to know YOU

Stand in front of the mirror, naked and look at yourself lovingly and without judgment. Start at the top of your head and continue to your feet.

24. Schedule a date with yourself

Spend an hour alone doing something that you want to do (reading, a hobby, chatting with a friend, etc.)

25. Cleanse your social media feeds

Delete negative people. Or you can just “mute” them instead. Either way, cleanse the negativity.

Now that you have the hang of self-care, let’s turn these steps into daily, self-care habits. Soon, you’ll do them automatically and they will feel effortless. Sevalife can help you achieve your goals and turn your habits into a routine you’ll look forward to every, single day. Check out WOW our self care and healthy living platform  and start putting YOU first!

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