Whole Foods Detox Diet

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Detoxification programs are becoming very popular within our modern culture. People are starting to understand that detoxes have a range of whole-body health benefits on offer. Within a few short days of being on a detox diet you will start noticing changes to your body function and you may even notice your mood has been lifted.

Detox programs focus on removing harmful toxins from your body and giving back your whole-body health. A detox is not for just one area of your body, it aims to lift your whole-body back to its optimal health.

The recommended length for a detox program is around 10 days. A ten-day detox will ensure that you feel the full effects, however, any length of detox that works best alongside your daily life will be perfect for achieving and kick starting your health goals. We offer detox programs that start from seven days that would be excellent as a start point to kick starting your new healthy living.

What is a Whole Food Diet?

Consuming a whole food-based diet during your detox will work alongside your detox and assist in cleansing your body more efficiently. Whole foods should replace processed foods that contain a lot of refined sugar, saturated fats and salt. All of these contribute significantly to high blood pressure and heart health problems.

Processed foods and a lot of what we consume in our diets is what contributes to our toxin build up. By ensuring that we are eating better, our body is off to an even better start. If you continue to consume processed foods throughout the detox program, then it will be counterproductive and you will not achieve the best possible results. As the detox cleanses your body you will be replacing the toxins that your body is working so hard to remove. So it is best to steer clear from processed foods as much as possible.

But how do you know what whole foods are? It really is simple. If foods items have a long shelf life, then it most probably is not that great for you. Healthy food is not processed food and healthy food does not have a lengthy shelf life that lasts for years.

Benefits of Whole Foods Detox

People who will benefit significantly from a whole food detox diet are those who suffer with irregular bowel movements. By detoxifying your system, you will be able to re-establish better and more regular bowel movements.

Many people worry about whether being on a detox will leave you hungry and begging for more food, this could not be further than the truth with a whole food detox diet. By consuming a lot of whole foods within your diet during your detox you will never go hungry. You will also realise that you have never eaten so well before. Whole foods are delicious as well as nutritious.

With whole foods you are able to make delicious smoothies, fruit salads, filling evening meals and sustainable lunches.

Some of the benefits of doing a detox diet is that a lot of whole foods contain the fibre that is needed to help clear and cleanse the colon. Detox programs also help kick start weight loss for those who are struggling to shift a bit of weight. Many people these days are starting to lose weight by doing a detox program initially as it is an excellent aid for weight loss.

Detox programs are excellent for promoting whole-body health and do not focus on just the one specific area.

What to Consume

Here is a guide on what types of foods that are great for including into your detox diet.

Apples contain a source of fibre and pectin which is what will help the cleansing process. The enzymes within apples will also help your digestive system run efficiently. Other great sources of fibre are lean animal protein and nuts. Pineapples are also a great food to consume as they contain a digestive enzyme known as bromelain.

Whole grains are also perfect for providing you with the right amount of roughage needed to help prevent against constipation, which is ideal during the detox process as well as afterwards.

Further foods that are excellent to consume are:

  • Hot Water with Lemon Juice (Promotes Regular Bowel Movements)
  • Eight Glasses of Water (Keep Hydrated)
  • Herbal Tea such as Senna or Cascara Sagrada
  • Organic Fresh and Dried Fruit and Vegetables
  • Whole Fruit and Vegetables
  • Whole Grains such as brown rice, oats & quinoa (Good Source of Fibre & Vit. B)
  • Olive Oil, Flax Oil & Fish Oils (Good for Heart Health)

The recommended amount of fruit and vegetables to consume is at least two cups, daily. This has been recommended by the U.S Department of Agriculture. You should also aim to consume at least eight 8 oz. glasses of water a day, if you are able to drink more then you should aim to. As the more water you consume the better it will be for eliminating food cravings and remaining hydrated.

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