The First Steps toward Changing Your Harmful Lifestyle Habits

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Ah, I can quit.
In fact, I’ll quit it first thing tomorrow, just you watch me!

For anyone who has had a bad habit they just can kick away, you might be feeling a bit guilty right now. Given that at some point in your life, you must have uttered the exact same above words.

But be calm. We aren’t here to shame you.

Having a bad lifestyle habit, we understand that it can be demanding for a number of reasons. Only, its consequences take the back seat for once in this situation. But that is because along with its negative effects, it’s usually the mental pressure and guilt of it all that makes you feel angrier, tense and upset.

And that’s concerning. Because it takes your attention away from the main goal, actually kicking the habit!

This is why for now; we’re going to focus on the first basic steps that will allow you to at least get on the path where you may be able to give up on your habit for good.

The First Crucial Steps…

1.  Acceptance

It’s time to accept the truth; you have a bad habit, and it needs to change. You will feel defensive. You’ll want to deflect the attention away from the real cause. You’ll do everything to stop the inevitable. But these diversionary tactics will not work now. You need to accept that the time is nigh. You are about to make a change and you must be realistic and accepting of the process.

2.  Identifying the Root Cause

Binge-eating, smoking, drinking—you did not develop all these disruptive habits because of boredom. With each lifestyle choice, there’s usually a trigger or an emotion that overwhelms you and causes you to seek comfort from those habits. You’ll need to identify those cues and focus on them than just your habit. Remember; maintaining a healthy lifestyle isn’t just about adjusting your diet or fitness levels.

3.  Learning about Replacement

Typically, when you try to diminish one bad habit, another one usually takes its place. It’s at this point that you’ll need to make sure that you don’t replace it with another element of bad behavior. For example, if you like to smoke or drink excessively when you’re stressed, it might not be a good idea to binge-eat in its place. Instead, going for a walk, talking to a friend or even drinking a glass of water will go a long way in calming you down.

4.  Thinking Long-Term

There will come a time when you might fall off the wagon. You’ll need to prepare for that. At the moment, your brain’s autopilot function will make it hard for you to adjust to this new behavior. But if you consider the long-term benefits of it all and plan a healthy replacement habit, seeing positive results from it will help you stick to your goals more easily.

5.  Finding a Support System

One common reason why most people fail at quitting bad habits is because they go about it the wrong way. They either go cold-turkey or try some quick-fix ideas that end up backfiring.  However, by going to someone like a healthcare specialist, you’ll have a professionally designed plan that would take care of all your needs. And with a health and wellness coach by your side, you’ll get the support and encouragement as well.

Come to Seva Life

Offering healthcare and wellness services to all in Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, Seva Life can help you get started on the right path.

Book an appointment today and tell our team about your lifestyle choices and what needs improvement. We’ll do our best to support you all the way!

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