10 Ways to Keep Your Smile Healthy and Bright

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Did you know that smiling can actually make you feel more beautiful? In numerous studies, smiling has even been noted as making you appear more attractive to someone else. This happens because the ‘reward regions’ within your brain lights up in response to seeing someone else smile. When you smile other people often view you as appearing to be more sincere and friendly. Here are 10 ways to keep your smile healthy and bright for longer and longer.


You probably don’t think about the chemicals that are infused into your toothpaste, but you should. Traditionally, you’ve been led to believe that tooth decay develops as a result of eating too much candy and not brushing your teeth correctly. Well, the truth is, there is some truth to the candy part, however, what you use to brush your teeth—your toothpaste—has been proven to be a bigger culprit. Read More>>

Chew On It

Chewy, crunch foods cause your mouth to produce saliva, which neutralizes the acids caused by bacteria that causes cavities. Carrots, celery, and nuts are great choices. Raisins are also a great choice because they contain antioxidants that also fight bacteria.

Get Tested

A simple, easy-to-perform, at-home, saliva test can help you identify harmful oral bacteria before symptoms arise and stave off the progression of periodontal disease. Read More>>

Lose the Sugar

This is the perfect time to pay attention to what you’re eating so that you don’t pack on the pounds. Here’s a list of superfoods to include in your eating plans. Read More>>

Smile More

Smiling begets smiling. The more you do it, the more you want to do it. And of course, if you want to smile, you will be more willing to take care of that smile.


You should floss once per day at a minimum. Going a couple days without flossing causes bacteria to build up. Brushing and rinsing can only do so much. Read More>>

Make an Appointment

Even if you take great care of your smile at home, you should still see a dental professional at least twice a year. During those check-ups, your dentist can check for problems you might not be able to detect. It’s sad but true that many dental problems don’t become visible until they are causing pain. A check-up trip to your dentist can head off any issues.

Stress Less

Everyone experiences stress at one time or another and sometimes even daily. Let’s face it, in life you will experience stress. You’ve heard how stress can wreak havoc on your body by increasing inflammation and causing spikes in your heart rate and blood pressure, but how does it affect your smile? Read More>>

Stop Smoking

If you smoke, listen up. When you smoke, you are blocking oxygen from getting to your gums. This can cause gum disease to take hold or progress faster. Another reason to stop smoking is that the tar, nicotine, and tobacco in the cigarettes stain your teeth.

Wash Out Your Mouth

Mouthwashes are a big business in the US, where people spend more than $10 billion on oral hygiene products each year, but despite using all the products many still suffer from bad breath or “chronic halitosis”. Most commercial mouthwashes contain alcohol, Benzoic Acid, Thymol and Chlorhexidine that can worsen the bad breath problem and are actually toxic for your system.  Read More>>

Get Moving

Cardiovascular exercises like running, biking, and swimming give your mouth and gums a boost by allowing your heart to circulate oxygenated blood through your body. All that “good blood” carries the nutrients your body and your mouth need to stay healthy and vibrant. Healthy gums lead to healthier teeth and that’s something to smile about.


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