Connecting Health and Mental Wellness: A Guide to a Mind-Body Balanced Diet

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The sentence ‘you are what you eat’ could not be truer!

While many associate the phrase with physical fitness, the fact of the matter is that what you eat greatly impacts the way your mind works, and not just in the sense of brain performance. Your brain’s cognitive skill and function can transform over time for the worse.

An improper diet may make you feel sleepy and sluggish, but that’s just the half of it. Maintaining an unhealthy diet doesn’t just lead to an unhealthy body, it may lead you down a dangerous rabbit hole that may increase your chances of developing dementia, cause an increase in blood pressure and cholesterol and may even prevent your brain cells from responding appropriately to insulin— and this may just be the start.

This is why it’s important that we take every step necessary to improve our diet so our brain can receive the nourishment it needs, along with our body.

Food that Feeds the Brain and the Body

Low-fat foods and any diet-specific food can still leave you feeling hungry, which will make you want more food and that in turn will derail your diet. The key here is to make sure that your diet is nutrient-rich and fulfilling. It should include food that can improve your immune system, reduce inflammation, and kill off the bad bacteria in your body.

So to start, your diet will need its fair share of the superfoods below:

  • Avocados
  • Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Berries (doesn’t matter which kind)
  • Eggs
  • Dark chocolate
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Citrus fruits such as oranges
  • Quinoa
  • Green tea

And the list goes on. But remember, even with this list, you will need to go to a reliable healthcare specialist so they can devise an efficient healthy coaching program. This way, you’ll have a proper plan to follow, instead of just playing it by-ear.

What Not to Do

Even with a good diet, there will be times when you’ll feel tempted to fall back on your old ways. This is where it’s best to have a back-up plan now so you don’t have to deal with that later:

1.  What to do when I want sugary drinks

Drink a glass of water. When you crave sugary drinks, it’s a sign you’re really just dehydrated and need some electrolytes and liquids to fill you up.

2.  What to do if I skip breakfast

First, you shouldn’t. A healthy, light breakfast improves your metabolism, takes care of brain fog and reduces fatigue as the day goes. If you do skip though, have some yogurt (plain, not fruit or diet), fruit or a boiled egg with a slice of toast to smooth things over. Then talk to your health coach about a healthy breakfast routine.

3.  What to do if I’m eating out

It’s not the end of the world if you go all out during a celebratory dinner. But, try to be conscious about your food choices. Food that’s fried, refined and sugary or high in fat can actually increase your risk of developing depression. If you’re eating out, choose meals that offer a hefty serving of vegetables or a fish dish. Say no to too much meat!

How to Shop

When grocery shopping, follow the tips below so you have healthy food in your refrigerator at all times:

  • Steer away from the centre aisles. Limit shopping to just necessities and do not be tempted to go to the junk food aisle.
  • Buy frozen vegetables if your fresh veggies expire by the time you get to them.
  • Stay away from white flour when shopping. Instead, experiment with whole grain breads, pasta, granola bars and nut snacks.

Try Your Hand at Cooking

Finally, try cooking at home and follow the healthy recipes for nutrition that Seva Life offers. Created by healthcare professionals in our Southern New Jersey practice, these recipes are tried-and-tested, so you can be sure that you’re choosing the best recipes that are nutritious and delicious.


Truth be told, your brain isn’t finicky. It just needs some basic attention. And by following the short guide above, you can be sure that your brain will surely get the heavy dose of nutrients it needs to stay active and happy!


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