Everyday Ouches That Could Actually Be Telling You Something

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That phantom itch, the odd pang; like any other person, you have your fair share of everyday aches and pains that come and go as they please. And like any other person, you usually let those aches play out until they go away themselves.

But is that the right thing to do?

Chalking up that strange rib pain to gastric distress might seem fine — but only if it’s actually that. But your body doesn’t always make health issues obvious, even when they are. A toothache might reveal sinus issues, pain while peeing might reveal abdominal muscle sprain.

In other words, not everything is what it seems.

To help you solve these mysteries, here’s a list of everyday ouches that might be indicators of something more serious.

You’re unusually gassy

#You’re unusually gassy

A bloated stomach, gastric issues, and embarrassing stomach noises are just some ways in which your bowel movements can trouble you.

However, unless you’ve eaten something spicy, we recommend that you get a closer look taken at what’s really causing this issue. Basic reasons could be that you’re suffering from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), or your body might be reacting to a sensitivity or allergy.

Your Muscles Spasm

#Your Muscles Spasm

You’re sitting around, minding your own business, and suddenly, your leg muscles start quivering and stiffening; the pain strong enough to make you yelp. While sudden muscle pain is common after a heavy workout and if you sit persistently, if the pain arises out of nowhere, it might be a side effect of some medication or could be an infection.

You Have a Lasting Cough

#You Have a Lasting Cough

It’s been weeks since your sinuses cleared up, but you’re still coughing. If it’s not a persistent cold, the chances are that it could be a sign of asthma or a reaction to an allergen.

You’re Snoring

#You’re Snoring

A very common symptom that’s associated with sleep apnea, snoring is more serious than you think, especially if you have a genetic history of heart disease or suffer from it already. Snoring can cause damage to your carotid artery by thickening it.
Also, if paired with excessive weight, high cholesterol, and smoking, snoring can be a sign that you’re well on your way to serious heart problems.

You need to go to the Bathroom More

#You need to go to the Bathroom More

Your body breaks down food into sugar less effectively if it develops Type-2 diabetes. Sugar starts building up in your bloodstream, your body in turn, tries to dump this buildup by letting it flush out through your urine, and that makes you want to pee more.

If you have a family history of diabetes or suspect it, consult with your doctor about the A1C test to get a proper diagnosis.

Starting on the Healthy Path!

It’s time to give your health and wellness the attention it needs. For the right guidance on what your body requires, we recommend that you go to a whole health practitioner so you can get the right information.

Seva Life in Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia offers life and health coaching to all in need. To get started on a reliable health and wellness program, contact Seva Life today!

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