Lose Weight Without the Gym

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Just so you know, the gym is not the only place where you can go to lose weight. Sometimes the gym can actually be a deterrent for weight loss because it offers you the opportunity to excuse yourself from putting forth the effort to get to the gym.

Now, the very place that you’re counting on to help you lose weight is serving as your excuse not to even try!

Here at Seva Life, that just won’t cut it. We have the perfect excuse-buster that will help you lose weight, eat better, and be more mindful about wellness, all in the comfort of your own home.

Here are our 5 Steps to Weight Loss Success at Home

First Step: Choose a Day and Time

If you leave working out to chance, you probably won’t ever get started. Grab your calendar and choose 2-3 dates and times per week that you know you will be able to get in a workout. Schedule for the next 4 weeks. You can accomplish everything you need in as little as 30 minutes. Maximum workout time should be 60-90 minutes. Write your time in ink or set it as “busy” in your electronic calendar so nothing else sneaks in.

Second Step: Dress Appropriately

Since you’ll be in your own home, you won’t need to pay as much attention to your attire, but you do need some essentials.

  1. Good, sturdy shoes made for exercising. (not required if you choose Yoga or Pilates indoors)
  2. Comfy, stretchable top and bottom so you can move freely and unrestricted.
  3. Great support garments.

For Women: this means a sports bra that holds everything in place

For Women and Men: if you’ve suffered previous injuries in the past (and to prevent new ones). Use compression garments for your knee, back, ankle, and/or biceps. You might look like the terminator, but you’ll be protected from overworking important muscles and joints.

Third Step: What Will You Do?

Ahh, this is the ultimate question. Some people have a complete workout in mind before they begin, but they are called personal trainers. LOL But for the regular person who just wants to get in better shape or shed excess fat, you’ll need a bit of guidance.

  1. You can search YouTube videos and find an instructor that suits your style.
  2. Visit the bookstore to pick up the latest issues of Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Oxygen, and/or Muscle & Fitness
  3. Check out WOW: Kickstart your healthy lifestyle with 7 days of real, actionable strategies that work for Free.

Fourth Step: Where Will You Do It?

Decide in advance where you will perform your workout. This way you can get everything set up and ready to go, instead of doing it all at the last minute, then becoming too tired or frustrated to even do the workout.

Fifth Step: Take Action!

Now that you’ve created your plan for when, where, what, and how, the final step is to TAKE ACTION and get started! That excess fat won’t melt off all by itself. You Got This!

However, if you need some extra info, a new strategy, or just some “get it going” advice, schedule your free session with Dr. Susan Stukes so you can get going and stay on the right track for fitness at home.


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