Obesity in Generation Z — How to Start Living Healthy Early

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Despite countless efforts by parents and concerned healthcare professionals alike, obesity has continued to plague generation after generation.
For the current generation though — Generation Z, i.e., children born between the mid-1990s and the early 2000s — this concern might just be justified.

According to a study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the percentage of children aged 6–11 who are considered to be obese has increased from 7% in the 1980s to 18% in 2012.
Considering the trend, it’s quite unsettling to think what the statistic might look like in the years to come.

But what could be the cause?

The problem could be with our lifestyles!
Call it by any other name, but we’ve all become accustomed to couch potato syndrome. And unfortunately, it’s been passed on to our future generations as well. Add poor eating habits and reliance on junk food to the mix, as well as everyday stress, and you have a whole generation that doesn’t have much going for them in terms of health and fitness.
Nevertheless, now that we know there’s an issue, we’re one step closer to rectifying the problem!

How to Live Healthily — The Gen Z Guide

As a parent, you know that restricting your child from eating different foods or forcing them to exercise isn’t easy. This is why it’s important that you make smart choices when implementing a health plan for your family.

Don’t Label What You Eat

Remember, the forbidden fruit is always more tempting. If you end up labeling certain foods as bad, your child will be more tempted to try them. Instead of banning food or talking about its negative effects on their growth and development, it’s much better to talk about what good nutritional options are, like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. Incorporate these into your diet as well, so they don’t start thinking of them as just something they have to eat.

Make Healthy Eating a Habit

Got younger children who are still learning about their diet? Start early by giving them healthier meals. Keep healthy food on the dinner table and try to give them healthy snacks as well so they become used to the delicious flavor. Also, try making different treats using healthy options like yogurt popsicles and granola.

Don’t Nag if they Eat Something Unhealthy

Fried, fatty, and unhealthy food is readily available and liberally flavored, so your kid will eat those snacks from time to time. Don’t be too disappointed, though. If you find that they like something specific, try to find an alternative healthy recipe for that. For example, if your child likes potato chips, try swapping them with sweet potato chips, baked chips, or baked tortilla chips with some guacamole and homemade salsa.

Bring Your Kids into the Kitchen

It’s about time that we started bringing more children into the field of cooking! Although you might need to drag them in initially, once you start talking to them about different flavors and the different meals they like, you’ll definitely see them contributing their own ideas. Bring in some healthy options and get them to help you make some new recipes.

Be Sure to Consult with a Professional

This is especially important if your child follows a specific diet! Search for a whole health professional such as Dr. Susan Stukes from Southern New Jersey’s practice Sevalife. They’ll be able to provide you with certified health and wellness coaching. Just follow their guidance on preventative care techniques and you’ll be on the right path.

Get Healthy!

So sign yourself up for the right program!
Go to a certified health coach, incorporate their healthy recipes designed for nutrition and wellness in your everyday regime and bring your kids in on the action too!
No time like the present to get on the healthy track!


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